A new Moldovan start-up carrier HiSky is to launch flights from its new Cluj-Napoca base to Dublin commencing on 22 April operating twice weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Flights will be operated by Airbus A320 aircraft.

HiSky General Manager Lulian Scorpan said “We decided to open the Cluj operational base because of the existing demand, including from local commercial agents. We will operate both regular and charter flights, and our new approach leads us to believe that we will manage to secure the loyalty of those who fly with us. We already have several partnerships here in Cluj, and we will make other important announcements soon”.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Avram Iancu Cluj International Airport Mr Viorel Federiga said “The Board of Directors of Avram Iancu Cluj International Airport is optimistic about the decision of the new airline HiSky to open new destinations at Avram Iancu International Airport Cluj, because this contributes to our efforts to recover the existing air traffic before the pandemic”.

In November, the airline announced that it is opening a base in Romania’s northeastern city of Iasi and launching flights to Dublin. 

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