European Airlines Report May Traffic ©

                                                              Air Berlin announced it carried 3.089 million passengers down 6.4% with a load factor of 76.4% up 0.6% on a 7.2% reduction in capacity as the carrier continues the roll out of ‘Shape & Size’ efficiency programme. The airline has

European Short-Haul Pressure ©

The market pressures in the European short-haul market continue to intensify as airlines struggle to remain competitive in an increasing hostile environment as revenues are eroded and cost and competitive countinue to multiple creating new challenges, the rate of change to adopt

Aer Lingus Sale: A Step closer ©

The sale of Aer Lingus moved closer as yesterday after months of speculation the government announced that it would dispose of its remaining 25% stake in Aer Lingus as part of the disposal of state assets under the Torika agreement. The

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