International Airlines Group (IAG) announced it has reached an agreement with the multienergy company Repsol for the purchase and supply during the next six months of more than 28,000 tonnes of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). The agreement represents the largest voluntary purchase of SAF made to date in Spain.

The SAF provided by Repsol will be used by the IAG airlines flying from Spanish airports, including Aer Lingus, British Airways, Iberia, Iberia Express and Vueling. In 2023, IAG airlines used more than 53,000 tonnes of SAF, which was an increase of 417% compared to 2022 and represented one of the highest volumes in the world.

IAG CEO Luis Gallego, said “Sustainability is a priority for IAG and is one of the pillars on which we base our strategy and transformation. We are working intensely to secure our future SAF needs and comply with our commitments, which are more ambitious than what is established by EU legislation. However, it is important that governments continue to support the development of a SAF industry that increases its availability and reduces its price. Developing a European SAF industry has the potential to generate thousands of jobs and will make an important contribution to GDP.”

This year Repsol has begun to produce 100% renewable fuels at its facilities in Cartagena. The plant, the first large-scale plant in Spain and Portugal dedicated exclusively to the production of 100% renewable fuels and in which Repsol has invested €250 million has a production capacity of 250,000 tons per year and can produce renewable diesel and SAF from waste.

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