Record Long-Haul Growth & Load Factor 

Aer Lingus announced it carried a total of 1.126 million passenger including Aer Lingus Regional in August. The airline stated the heatwave in July effected it’s August short-haul bookings down 2.4%.

In long-haul passengers it carried a record 121,000 passengers up 17.5% on an 15.7% increase in capacity with a  load factor of 94.9% up 1.2 points (Full flights). This underscores the success of it’s long-haul Dublin hub strategy providing connectivity with partners to drive passenger volumes, and summer peak traffic with The Gathering 2013.

It carried 884,00 short-haul passengers down 2.4% on an 1.9% reduction in capacity with a load factor of 82.1% down 2.5 points.

Aer Lingus Regional carried 121,000 passengers in July up 13.1%.

Year to date Aer Lingus carried 7.33 million passengers up 2.1%.

Irish Aviation Research Institute © 5th September All Rights Reserved.