‘The aviation sector contributes €4.1 billion (2.6%) to Irish GDP’ (Oxford Economics, 2011).

The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) is to manage and sponsor a one day conference entitled ‘Aviation Policy for Ireland For Jobs For Growth for Exports’ invitation only, to develop a new civil aviation policy at The Convention Centre Dublin on Friday 3rd December, facilitated by Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Mr Leo Varadkar.

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Mr Leo Varadkar will deliver a keynote speech and outline the next steps to to develop a new civil aviation policy.

The conference programme includes Industry Policy issues: Improving our access what needs to be done, Making Aviation Competitive in Ireland, Improving our efficiency, International and European Developments and Opportunities. The sessions will have inputs from Aer Lingus CEO Christoph Muller, Dublin Aerospace Executive Chairman Conor McCarthy, Dublin Airport Authority Interim CEO Oliver Cussan, Irish Aviation Authority CEO Eamonn Brennan, Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary.

A country report on Ireland by Oxford Economics (2011) estimated that 26,000 people are directly employed by the sector with an additional 16,000 jobs indirectly supported through its supply chain. A further 11,000 jobs are supported through spending by employees of this broader aviation sector. Aviation  also contributes significantly to the Exchequer through corporation tax, income tax and travel taxes – as well as indirect taxes paid by those employed in the sector. In total it is estimated that the aviation industry and its supply chain contributes €1.35billion per annum to the public finances.

Beyond the benefits of direct and indirect employment, aviation facilitates access to key export markets such as the UK, continental Europe, the USA and Asia. International connectivity is also viewed as a key asset when it comes to winning and sustaining foreign direct investment.In addition to this, aviation plays a critical role in facilitating tourism. Fáilte Ireland estimated foreign exchange earnings from tourism totalled €3.4 billion in 2010.

Irish Aviation Research Institute © 17th October 2012 All Rights Reserved.