The Annual Blog Awards Ireland are around the corner and Irish Aviation Research Institute is hoping for your nomination.

Dear readers,

The Blog Awards Ireland celebrates the best of Irish blogs by creating 31 categories. The Irish Aviation Research Institute has been blogging for almost two years and is the leading online source of Irish Commercial Aviation News and Potral for the Irish Aviation Industry. The blog is very popular with over 140,000 views to date and our Twitter page @IrishAero.

The Irish Aviation Research Institute blog founded in July 2011 is a specialized blog focused on the latest commercial news in the Irish Aviation industry on airports, aircraft, airlines and routes.

In 2012 Irish Aviation Research Institute blog was nominated for Blog Awards Ireland.

How to nominate us:

To nominate the blog simply click on the button below to brings you directly to the Blog Awards Ireland 2013 page where you can view all categories of nomination.

We would appericate a nomination in the following categories: Best Blog Of A Journalist, Best News / Current Affairs Blog, Best Corporate Blog, Best Blog Post.

Please Fill the following details:

Blog email for nominating: (Will be changing shortly)

Blog name for nominating: Irish Aviation Research Institute™

Blog web address for nominating:

Click the box beside “This blog is written by someone currently resident in Ireland”.

blog awards ireland

Thank you for reading our blog,

Trevor Buckley