The Irish Aviation Students’ Association is a student body, established and led by a dedicated group of third level education students from various universities and colleges across Ireland. Our passion is aviation and for the last nine months we’ve worked on developing the idea of connecting students with aviation professionals from different areas of the industry.

As students we’ve identified a gap and believe we can bring change and bridge that gap. We’ll do so by empowering young, enthusiastic students and graduates to be heard by the industry and enable them to collaborate together and find solutions that will benefit all. The symposium will give us the opportunity to facilitate our objectives. We aim to bring together nearly 200 delegates, which will be comprised of more than 100 students, 50 aviation professionals and academic staff and 20 influential industry guest speakers.

The main theme of the symposium focuses on ‘Future Opportunities for the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals’. Throughout the day you will gain a valuable insight into Ireland’s past, present and future position in the global aviation industry. We will cover a wide spectrum of topics including engineering, maintenance, unmanned aerial vehicles, legislation, pilot and air traffic control training, IT, aircraft leasing, aviation financing and taxation.
We believe it is imperative to analyse and discuss the various aspects of aviation and show there are many ways to enter the industry and many varied roles in which to find employment. This will allow students to hear and learn about the diversity of job opportunities available to pursue in the aviation industry.  

More importantly the event offers a great opportunity to network with leading aviation professionals and HR personnel. IASA has already developed a strong relationship with leading aviation companies in Ireland and abroad. Their support is an endorsement of our Symposium on October 21st, at the Radisson Blu Royal hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8.

Take action and move closer to your dream career by attending the IASA Aviation Symposium. For more information and to find out what companies and figures will attend, please visit our website or contact us at

Alexandra Slabutu
IASA Founder & Chairperson